12: Rational Expressions and Equations

Intermediate Algebra Home










1. Read the Section Review and do all the exercises. During the review, make note of
the sections that present challenge. 

        Section Review Section Review Answers

2. Then do the Drills below corresponding to the sections that you had
difficulty with in the Section Review.

Section 12.1 and 12.2, Drill 49
Section 12.4 and 12.5, Drill 50
Section 12.7, Drill 52
Section 12.9, Drill  53

3.  Take a Quiz after reading the corresponding section (do all):

Multiplying Dividing Rational Expressions
Add/ Subtract Rational Expr.
Graphing Rational Functions
 Direct, Joint,  Inverse Variation
Classes of Functions
Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities
Quiz Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Quiz Add/SubtractRationalExpressions
Quiz  Graphing Rational Functions
Quiz Direct, Joint, and Inverse Variation
Quiz Classes of Functions
Quiz Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities

4. Read the links below to gain further insight on a subject.

>Rational Number
Rational Function

Rational Zero Theorem
Complex Numbers
Complex Plane
Complex Multiplication
Complex Division
Complex Addition
Complex Subtraction
Complex Conjugate

5. Complete the following extra practice sets:

      Operations and Solving Rational Numbers

      Rational Expressions / Solutions 

      Radical Expressions 


6. Do the Worksheets as extra practice sets or tests.


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